Sunday, December 21, 2008

You've been left behind ,

Well ,it hurts us when we're left behind .The reasons we're left behind is ,we're no fun .We're not used to crowds .We're afraid to live life .And a thousand more .I'm one of those jerks .But ,we have to move on the different way .Sometimes ,we have to open a new door for ourselves.We have to get used to crowds .We have to be a little more fun .We have to be brave to live life .If someone calls you a jerk ,then you have the right to punch them .The most important thing is ,don't do this to express people .Do it for yourself .

Sincerely ,


  1. And we have to adapt ourselves to surrounding and try to fit in :-)

    I've been in this position for so many times and I know how it feels. Painful.

  2. yeah ,sheera was right .it's painful ;(

  3. hmm,yeah.
    who are you?
    somehow,all your posts are solutions to my it a coincidence?
